Newsroom Press Releases - 2007 Seno Medical Instruments, Inc. nominates Dr. Robert Kramer to head Scientific Advisory Committee
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Seno Medical Instruments, Inc. nominates Dr. Robert Kramer to head Scientific Advisory Committee

SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS—February 26, 2007—Seno Medical Instruments, Inc.,, a San Antonio company engaged in the development of medical devices announces the appointment of Robert I. Kramer, M.D., FAAP to Chairman of its Scientific Advisory Committee.


SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS — February 26, 2007 – Seno Medical Instruments, Inc., a San Antonio company engaged in the development of medical devices announces the appointment of Robert I. Kramer, M.D., FAAP to Chairman of its Scientific Advisory Committee. Dr. Kramer, founding member of the Susan G. Komen Advisory Board, is highly regarded for his work in the field of pediatrics and for his support of cancer research and treatment.

Seno Medical Instruments, Inc. was formed in 2005 to commercialize a new modality in cancer screening and diagnosis: opto-acoustic imaging. To further the development of this potentially life-saving technology, the corporation is assembling a team of experts in the field of breast cancer detection, product application and protocol design.

“Dr. Kramer has a deep commitment to the field of breast cancer. He has worked with many early stage companies focused on medical advancement. His extensive experience and knowledge in biotechnology and medical devices is invaluable to us,” said Janet Campbell, Seno Medical CEO. “I feel very fortunate that Dr. Kramer has agreed to assume this responsibility in leading the Advisory Committee.”

Dr. Kramer is a retired professor of pediatrics and pulmonology from UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, Texas. He was the founding medical director of the Division of Pulmonology and Cystic Fibrosis Research Center at the Children’s Medical Center in Dallas. Following his retirement, he became Chairman of the Department of Pediatrics at Baylor University Medical Center. He was the national medical director of the healthcare consulting division of Coopers & Lybrand and in this capacity had his initial introduction to the business of the life science industry. Dr. Kramer is a member of the Board of Directors and Advisory Boards of several early-stage life science companies. He is a member of the External Advisory Committee of the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Texas, Austin.

Dr. Kramer is a native of Rhode Island and a graduate of Tufts University Medical School with a pediatric residency completed at Yale University School of Medicine. He holds an Executive MBA from Harvard Business School.