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Imagio® reduces patient stress, worry, and discomfort

Extensive workups cause emotional distress for patients. Studies have even shown that the stress levels for those waiting on test results are indistinguishable from patients diagnosed with cancer. And in many cases, the delays of multiple procedures can extend the process up to 12 weeks.1

With Imagio® a diagnostic scan can be completed immediately following a suspicious screening exam to reveal the tell-tale signs of cancer in real-time without risky contrast injections or radiation. The majority of women could go home with an answer the same day.

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“I think for the women, this is a win-win situation. For us as breast imagers, this is really the best we could possibly wish for.”

Michael N. Linver

A simple transition

Incorporating Imagio® into your workflow is similar to how you implemented tomosynthesis into your practice and includes training from one of the world’s leading breast ultrasound instructors.

Practice Efficiency
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live demo

Our nationwide roadshow can bring Imagio® to your facility or you can start the conversation with a Seno rep today to get more details.


  1. Olivotto IA, Bancej C, Goel V, Snider J, McAuley RG, Irvine B, Kan L, Mirsky D, Sabine MJ, McGilly R, Caines JS. Waiting times from abnormal breast screen to diagnosis in 7 Canadian provinces. CMAJ. 2001 Aug 7;165(3):277-83. PMID: 11517642; PMCID: PMC81326.